RGSB unveils new gambling-related harm strategy
The UK’s Responsible Gambling Strategy Board (RGSB) has announced plans to increase its efforts to minimise gambling-related harm with the publication of a new three-year strategy.

The UK’s Responsible Gambling Strategy Board (RGSB) has announced plans to increase its efforts to minimise gambling-related harm with the publication of a new three-year strategy. The new National Responsible Gambling Strategy sets the agenda for a range of organisations such as gambling operators, regulators, government, trade bodies, commissioning organisations, treatment providers and other public agencies. Produced by the RGSB following a year of consultation, the strategy identifies 12 areas for action including an improvement in both understanding and measuring harm, increased understanding of the effects of product characteristics and environment, as well as improvement in the methods of identifying harmful play. “Gambling-related harm goes wider than the harm experienced by those identified as problem gamblers by existing screening tools – it can also affect the families of gamblers, their employers, their communities and society more widely,” RGSB chairman Sir Christopher Kelly said. “The strategy sets out a vision of what a desirable outcome would look like although we recognise that achieving the vision will be a significant challenge, requiring expertise, resources and commitment from a diverse range of stakeholders. “The strategy represents a huge opportunity to improve social responsibility in gambling, and minimise gambling-related harm. “For the strategy to make a real difference, it requires ownership and prompt action from a wide range of organisations.” In response to the new strategy, Responsible Gambling Trust (RGT) chair Neil Goulden praised the content of the plan and said that the organisation will work with the RSGB on initiatives moving forward. Goulden said: “The RGT shares the priorities laid out in the new RGSB strategy. “In particular, RGT’s focus is on the development of more effective harm minimisation for those whose gambling becomes problematic. “We also believe that prevention is better than having to help individuals, families and society deal with the consequences of problem or dependent gambling. “It’s not just about funding treatment; it’s about preventing the harm and misery caused by problem gambling.” Related article: Senet Group bolsters code with social media pledge