Gambling Commission updates on responsible efforts
The UK Gambling Commission (UKGC) has issued an update on its responsible gambling drive, saying while progress has been made, operators must do more to protect customers
The UK Gambling Commission (UKGC) has issued an update on its responsible gambling drive, saying while progress has been made, operators must do more to protect customers. Citing a recent report by the Responsible Gambling Strategy Board (RGSB), Tim Miller, executive director of the UKGC, said there is “considerable work” to be done to help protect UK consumers. Miller called for “continued strong partnerships” with other regulatory bodies, consumer representatives and government, as well as for the industry to “step up” and work to raise standards. “We can see there has been progress towards delivering the National Responsible Gambling Strategy by the industry and others,” Miller said. “But we are now in the final 12 months of the three year plan, and we remain concerned that many of the priority actions have not moved along as far as they should have. “The concerns highlighted mirror some of those within our own ambitious strategy to make gambling fairer and safer for consumers. “The challenge we all face is how to deliver a gambling market that provides consumer choice and enjoyment whilst also protecting against the risks gambling can create and its impact on wider society.” Miller added: “But, this isn’t a challenge the Gambling Commission can address on its own; many of the RGSB’s recommendations require us, as the industry regulator, to lead on delivery, and we will do more to speed up progress. “However, with over two million people are at-risk or classed as problem gamblers in Great Britain, and many more either at risk of harm or affected by somebody else’s gambling, there needs to be a real concerted focus by everyone that has a part to play.”
Related article: GC sets out consumer protection strategy